Mirae Asset MF Great Consumer Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Franklin India Floating Rate Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 39.3805
24-02-2025 39.3752
21-02-2025 39.3478
20-02-2025 39.336
18-02-2025 39.3279
17-02-2025 39.3204
14-02-2025 39.2965
13-02-2025 39.2947
12-02-2025 39.2797
11-02-2025 39.2803
10-02-2025 39.2632
07-02-2025 39.2372
06-02-2025 39.234
05-02-2025 39.2141
04-02-2025 39.1966
03-02-2025 39.1914
31-01-2025 39.1673
30-01-2025 39.1496
29-01-2025 39.1472
28-01-2025 39.1353
27-01-2025 39.1432
24-01-2025 39.1363
23-01-2025 39.1498
22-01-2025 39.1361
21-01-2025 39.1334
20-01-2025 39.1331
17-01-2025 39.1102
16-01-2025 39.1055
15-01-2025 39.071
14-01-2025 39.0718
13-01-2025 39.0687
10-01-2025 39.0425
09-01-2025 39.0417
08-01-2025 39.0135
07-01-2025 39.0127
06-01-2025 39.0067
03-01-2025 38.9735
02-01-2025 38.9675
01-01-2025 38.9659
31-12-2024 38.9525
30-12-2024 38.939
27-12-2024 38.9198
26-12-2024 38.9281
24-12-2024 38.9251
23-12-2024 38.925
20-12-2024 38.9014
19-12-2024 38.9064
18-12-2024 38.8946
17-12-2024 38.8864
16-12-2024 38.8637
13-12-2024 38.8374
12-12-2024 38.8318
11-12-2024 38.8279
10-12-2024 38.8247
09-12-2024 38.8524
06-12-2024 38.8444
05-12-2024 38.8335
04-12-2024 38.8357
03-12-2024 38.8364
02-12-2024 38.8241
29-11-2024 38.7795
28-11-2024 38.7657
27-11-2024 38.7654
26-11-2024 38.7629
25-11-2024 38.7567
22-11-2024 38.7362
21-11-2024 38.7444
19-11-2024 38.7472
18-11-2024 38.7394
14-11-2024 38.7058
13-11-2024 38.6999
12-11-2024 38.6809
11-11-2024 38.6522
08-11-2024 38.6418
07-11-2024 38.6137
06-11-2024 38.6071
05-11-2024 38.5965
04-11-2024 38.601
31-10-2024 38.5484
30-10-2024 38.5465
29-10-2024 38.5293
28-10-2024 38.5247
25-10-2024 38.5168
24-10-2024 38.5234
23-10-2024 38.5188
22-10-2024 38.4971
21-10-2024 38.5014
18-10-2024 38.4829
17-10-2024 38.4867
16-10-2024 38.4674
15-10-2024 38.4752
14-10-2024 38.4764
11-10-2024 38.4498
10-10-2024 38.4263
09-10-2024 38.4085
08-10-2024 38.3779
07-10-2024 38.3738
04-10-2024 38.3498
03-10-2024 38.3662
01-10-2024 38.3669
30-09-2024 38.3519
27-09-2024 38.3346
26-09-2024 38.3422
25-09-2024 38.315
24-09-2024 38.3034
23-09-2024 38.2976
20-09-2024 38.2631
19-09-2024 38.2556
17-09-2024 38.2367
16-09-2024 38.2445
13-09-2024 38.213
12-09-2024 38.1916
11-09-2024 38.1799
10-09-2024 38.1738
09-09-2024 38.1622
06-09-2024 38.1542
05-09-2024 38.1341
04-09-2024 38.1332
03-09-2024 38.1268
02-09-2024 38.1218
30-08-2024 38.1063
29-08-2024 38.1029
28-08-2024 38.1065
27-08-2024 38.096
26-08-2024 38.0981
23-08-2024 38.0889
22-08-2024 38.0841
21-08-2024 38.0514
20-08-2024 38.0274
19-08-2024 38.0186
16-08-2024 37.9892
14-08-2024 37.9758
13-08-2024 37.9654
12-08-2024 37.9512
09-08-2024 37.9256
08-08-2024 37.9229
07-08-2024 37.9164
06-08-2024 37.9063
05-08-2024 37.9223
02-08-2024 37.8841
01-08-2024 37.8573
31-07-2024 37.8439
30-07-2024 37.8311
29-07-2024 37.843
26-07-2024 37.7838
25-07-2024 37.7045
24-07-2024 37.6889
23-07-2024 37.6801
22-07-2024 37.6898
19-07-2024 37.6623
18-07-2024 37.646
16-07-2024 37.6358
15-07-2024 37.6203
12-07-2024 37.5936
11-07-2024 37.5871
10-07-2024 37.5687
09-07-2024 37.5591
08-07-2024 37.5499
05-07-2024 37.521
04-07-2024 37.5099
03-07-2024 37.4998
02-07-2024 37.4878
01-07-2024 37.4715
28-06-2024 37.4517
27-06-2024 37.4414
26-06-2024 37.4318
25-06-2024 37.4297
24-06-2024 37.4278
21-06-2024 37.4104
20-06-2024 37.4027
19-06-2024 37.3969
18-06-2024 37.3857
14-06-2024 37.3318
13-06-2024 37.3145
12-06-2024 37.2945
11-06-2024 37.3012
10-06-2024 37.289
07-06-2024 37.2702
06-06-2024 37.2579
05-06-2024 37.244
04-06-2024 37.225
03-06-2024 37.2538
31-05-2024 37.2202
30-05-2024 37.2115
29-05-2024 37.2141
28-05-2024 37.2131
27-05-2024 37.2068
24-05-2024 37.1871
22-05-2024 37.1686
21-05-2024 37.1517
17-05-2024 37.1162
16-05-2024 37.1013
15-05-2024 37.095
14-05-2024 37.0798
13-05-2024 37.0713
10-05-2024 37.0581
09-05-2024 37.0632
08-05-2024 37.0502
07-05-2024 37.0474
06-05-2024 37.0554
03-05-2024 37.0264
02-05-2024 37.0162
30-04-2024 37.0067
29-04-2024 37.0002
26-04-2024 36.9805
25-04-2024 36.9779
24-04-2024 36.9617
23-04-2024 36.9347
22-04-2024 36.9075
19-04-2024 36.8862
18-04-2024 36.8884
16-04-2024 36.8756
15-04-2024 36.874
12-04-2024 36.8591
10-04-2024 36.8495
08-04-2024 36.8222
05-04-2024 36.8124
04-04-2024 36.7936
03-04-2024 36.7856
02-04-2024 36.7516
31-03-2024 36.7414
28-03-2024 36.7268
27-03-2024 36.7019
26-03-2024 36.685

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